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Note: Please be informed that it is a regulatory requirement that investors shall not subscribe for shares under both the public subscription and placing tranches of the Initial Public Offer (IPO). Applications in the public subscription tranche from investors who had received shares in the placing tranche, and vice-versa, will be rejected.
How do I place an order for an Australia stock via WebTrade and KGI Asia Power Trader?
Webtrade:- Log into your KGI Asia Trading Account.
- Select “Australia” in “Securities Trading”.
- Fill in the details of your order request.
- Click “Preview” to double check your entries before you confirm.
- Log into your KGI Asia Trading Account
- Select "Australia" Market in "Trade" Page
- Fill in the details of your order request
- Select "BUY" or "SELL" button
- Click “Preview” to double check your entries before you confirm
Australia stock orders currently can only be placed via WebTrade/KGI Asia Power Trader or our 24-hour InvestLine at (852) 2878-5555.
See below Trading Demo and for an interactive guide to WebTrade/ KGI Asia Power Trader.
Webtrade Trading Demo
Power Trader Trading Demo (Android) | Power Trader Trading Demo (IOS)
What is the next step after I place an order?
Once you place an order, WebTrade and KGI Asia Power Trader will provide you a summary of your order and a reference number which represents the confirmation that your order has been accepted by us. Please STAY connected to WebTrade or KGI Asia Power Trader until you have received the reference number.
How do I amend / cancel my order?
You can amend / cancel the quantity and price of your orders if they have not yet been fully executed.
To do so, click on the respective “Amend”/ “Cancel” link on the Order Status table under WebTrade > “Securities Trading”, and enter your changes in the appropriate boxes and click “Submit”. Or press "Order Book" under KGI Asia Power Trader, and click the target order to choose "Amend" / "Cancel" button.
See below Trading Demo and for an interactive guide to WebTrade/ KGI Asia Power Trader.
Webtrade Trading Demo
Power Trader Trading Demo (Android) | Power Trader Trading Demo (IOS)
What type of Australia stocks can I trade via WebTrade?
You can trade all Stocks listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) online.
For details, please refer to the following link:
Should you have any enquiry, please call our 24-hour InvestLine (852) 2878-5555 or your KGI Asia Relationship Manager.
What are the trading hours for the Australia stocks market?
The trading hours for Australian Securities Exchange (ASX):
Monday to Friday
• Summer time: 07:00 - 13:00 (HKT)
• Winter time: 08:00 - 14:00 (HKT)
What are the order cut-off times for Australia stocks?
To ensure the proper execution of your orders, please note the following schedule:
Order Type |
Action |
Time (HKT) |
Summer time: 07:00 – 13:00 |
Summer time: 13:00 – 16:30 |
Summer time: 16:30 – 07:00 |
Limit |
: Orders received will be processed immediately
: Orders received will be processed in the next trading session
: Orders will be rejected
What is the settlement period for Australia stocks?
The settlement period is trade date plus 2 Australia business days(T+2).
What are the restrictions for trading Australia stocks?
In general, orders where prices are 10% more than the nominal price will be rejected by KGI Asia.
However, for penny stocks, orders where prices are more than 5% but less than 10% of the nominal price may also be rejected.
What is the board lot size for Australia stocks?
The board lot size for Australia stocks is 1 share.
Can I short-sell Australia stocks?
Short-selling of Australia stocks is not allowed via WebTrade or KGI Asia Power Trader.
Can I buy and sell the same Australia stocks on the same trading day?
Once your Buy order has been executed, you can place a Sell order at any time.
Where can I find the executed orders?
The status of your transaction can be found at WebTrade >”Securities Trading” > “Order Status” or KGI Asia Power Trader> "Account"> "Order Book". After placing an order, please go to “Order Status” or "Order Book" and check to ensure orders have been executed accordingly. You may click on the “Reload” button to update the page and view any trading details such as reference number and reasons for unsuccessful transaction.
What are the transaction fees for HK Stocks trading?
They are the Brokerage Commission Fee, Exchange Transaction Levy, Trading Fee and Stamp Duty.
What would happen when warrants expire?
In prior to a warrant's expiry date, investors should notify KGI Asia for whether they intend to exercise it. Depending on the types of warrant purchased and its strike price, you will receive the payment if the warrant expires in-the-money. In case of the warrant expiring out-of-the-money or a failure to notify KGI Asia of your exercise intent, your investment warrant will expire worthless.
How do I transfer HK Stocks to KGI Asia?
To transfer any HK Stocks to KGI Asia, please submit a Stock Deposit form at WebTrade > “Settlement” > “Stock Movement” or KGI Asia Power Trader >"Fund/Stock Movement">"Stock Deposit" and indicate the broker or custodian from whom KGI Asia would receive the securities. You can also deposit to your KGI Asia account by delivering the physical securities to any our branches. Stocks received will be credited to your Trading Account on the settlement date.
Since warrants’ certificates are in scripless form, KGI Asia does not provide any physical inventory service for such products.
How do I withdraw HK Stocks from KGI Asia?
To withdraw HK Stocks from KGI Asia, please submit a Stock Withdrawal form at WebTrade > “Settlement” > “Stock Movement” or KGI Asia Power Trader >"Fund/Stock Movement">"Stock Withdrawal". If you want to collect physical certificates from any of our branches, please select the respective branch and enter the denominations of your certificates.
Since warrants’ certificates are in scripless form, KGI Asia does not provide any physical inventory service for such products.
Hong Kong investor identification regime and over-the-counter securities transaction reporting regime
Under the HKIDR, we will have to assign an identification code (“Broker-Client Assigned Number” or “BCAN”) to each of our clients and tag the BCAN to the clients’ securities orders. We will also have to submit to SEHK’s data repository the identification data (i.e., names and identity document information) of clients placing securities orders on SEHK or who conduct off-exchange trades reportable to SEHK.
Under the OTCR, information about OTC securities transactions in ordinary shares and real estate investment trusts listed on SEHK as well as deposits and withdrawals of physical share certificates will be reported to the SFC.
Separately, we may, on an optional basis, identify subscribers for shares in initial public offering (IPO) with the BCAN when the Fast Interface for New Issuance (“FINI”) of SEHK is launched in about the fourth quarter of 2022.
Related Forms:
(i) Individual / Joint Account
- Local indices are at least 15 minutes delayed.
- China indices are at least 15 minutes delayed.
- Taipei Indices are at least 20 minutes delayed.
- US indices are at least 15 minutes delayed.