Market Insight

2024.05.10 10:44

Market News Q TECH (01478) Apr camera modules sales up 39.2%

(Infocast News) Q TECH (01478) announced that in April, the sales volume of its camera modules, its major products, totalled 41.564 million units, up 9.6% MoM and 39.2% YoY, mainly due to customer project cycle and rebound in demand in the smartphone market, as well as the group's good business development in mid-to-high-end and automotive camera module products. During the month, the sales volume of fingerprint recognition module products increased by 7.8% MoM to 9.554 million units, decreased by 13% YoY, mainly due to the customer project cycle. In the first four months, sales of mobile phone camera modules totalled 144 million units, while sales of fingerprint recognition modules totalled 35.614 million units. (WL)

Data Source:INF