Research Reports

美國晶圓廠設備產業: 晶圓廠設備(WFE)有望於2024年強勁復蘇 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.29 13:55
US economy: March FOMC meeting –Tightening amid financial instability: Taming inflation remains top priority, but Fed also wants to ensure financial stability
2023.03.23 13:55
Nvidia (NVDA.O/NVDA US): 2023 GTC – AI for all, all for AI
2023.03.22 13:55
運動休閒產業: Nike財報:競爭力為業務較早復甦之關鍵 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.22 13:55
美國運動休閒產業: Nike財報預覽:庫存去化及營收展望短暫失色 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.17 13:55
美國電商與支付產業: 拚多多出海Temu在北美勢頭強勁,但威脅Amazon仍早 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.16 13:55
美國運動休閒產業: 秋冬銷售堪憂,供應商訂單風險再現 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.10 13:55
美國科技產業: Dell, HP & HPE 財報 – PC 2023年中復甦,伺服器跟上 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.07 13:55
美國科技產業: Broadcom & Marvell 財報 – 5G&AI為2023主要增長動能 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.06 13:55
美國電商與零售產業: 4Q22零售:庫存天數觸頂回落,2023仍面臨營收成長挑戰 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.03 13:55
Tesla (TSLA.O/TSLA US): Investor Day offers limited new information; lack of catalysts ahead of 1Q23 results
2023.03.02 13:55
美國晶圓廠設備產業: 轉往關注記憶體設備 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.01 13:55
美國健身產業: 健身房業者順風飛行 (Chinese Only)
2023.03.01 13:55
Nvidia (NVDA.O/NVDA US): Strengthening gaming & data center demand
2023.02.23 13:55
US technology sector: Top picks are beneficiaries of improved components supply & data center demand
2023.02.21 13:55
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